What is the value of a good website?
As an internet marketer, I've seen the ramifications of what the internet marketing business goes like with a great website, and without one.
These days if you have either no website or a "so-so" site, your business could probably be going quite a lot better.
A website is the central point of any internet marketing campaign, and with internet visitors becoming more experienced and savvy in general, you can count on them knowing the difference between a site with quality and knowledge behind it and one that may appear "amateurish".
There are a few options that people can take to create their own website that will benefit their business - here they are:
- Hire it done. If you are not an experienced web developer and are counting on your website to create a large number of customers, then this is really the way to go. Many people believe that it costs a huge amount of money to have it done, but that isn't always the case. If you don't already have a good resource for this, my recommendation is New Vibe Design - you will get a very professional site that is search engine "friendly" and a good value for your dollar.
- Make a high quality website yourself. If you have web
building experience under your belt, this could be the way to go. It will take a good amount of time of your own (time=money) but if you are looking to save money there are some options that could be right for you.
My highest recommendation along these lines is Site Rubix - I use it myself. It makes building a website a breeze and much faster than with other builders, with options such as drag and drop, easily creating your own modules, modifying text just the way you want it, and there is a good selection of website headers and templates at your fingertips. Also the side menu is created for you and is updated whenever you create a new page. Site Rubix gives the highest potential for nice looking and professional websites than any other web builder I've ever seen.
(As a note, Site Rubix is strictly one of the benefits that come from being a member of Wealthy Affiliate Internet Marketing University - which is worth your while to become a member of - whether you're an affiliate marketer or a business owner looking for ways to market your site, the information from Wealthy Affiliate is invaluable and any marketers I know that stick with it really know how to market. - 3. For Affiliate Marking: I recently made a fortunate discovery with a website creator called Zlio.

Zlio is not just a "throw-it-together" website, and when I first heard about it I thought that it would be cheap, never get seen by the search engines, etc. I was really very pleasantly surprised - it's a great website builder that allows easy creation of very important elements of a website such as a site map, product tags, keyword-targeted pages/categories and a great selection of niche-oriented products from great companies that are well-known for their quality products and service.
If you haven't already heard of Zlio, I HIGHLY recommend it - My first site was getting organic traffic to it within a few days and it's first sales shortly thereafter - and the traffic is continuing to rise over time! And - oh yeah - it's FREE! Awesome potential with that one. (I've been waiting to "announce" this until I fully tested it out.)
(The only downside is that you take a bit of a cut in the commissions that you earn, the rest of the product commissions go to Zlio in exchange for the site. I personally think it's a great deal because it's not only user-friendly, it's search engine friendly too, and having created such a great product I believe that Zlio has well-earned their cut too.)
The above options are my recommendations on choices for websites - I may write more in the future when I come up with more info.
No matter which avenue you choose to create a website, make sure that it is the right one for you. As I said above, the value of a good website is absolutely priceless and can make a huge difference for any internet marketing campaign - if you need to take your time to work out the right option, do so. It can make or break a business these days.