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Sunday, July 1, 2007

What is Affiliate Marketing?

If you've been around the internet looking for ways to make money online, you probably have come across the term, "affiliate marketing". What does this mean, exactly?

Well, if you're an "affiliate" with a company, then there is an association or connection with that company.

If you're an affiliate marketer, then, you do the action of marketing products for another company, then you make a commission on any sales that are made. It's as simple as that.

There are various ways and means to market products for other companies. These include
using websites, pay-per-click, using services such as Google Adwords and Yahoo! Search
Marketing. One could market for a company directly (example: someone you know has a website and needs it advertised), or indirectly through what is called an affiliate network.

A special note about affiliate marketing: This is a technique of making money online that actually
requires a fairly thorough education before one can actually make a real living at it. It also requires some time and patience - and plenty of work.

If you're interested in doing something like this for a living, there are some good resources that
can help you get off to the right start. You can check out a review of a number of them right

Another note about affiliate marketing - this is by far my favorite method of making money
online. It's very fun, and has the quality of building more and more over time, which in turn increases your income over time.

Good luck!

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